
2015年出乎意料之外地啃完25本英文書,顯然這是可遇不可求的離奇表現,因此2016年絕對不能以超越2015年的英文閱讀成果為目標。新的一年,原則上繼續以清倉為最高指導原則,希望全年完成閱讀共18本英文書(平均每個月1.5本),總頁數達5000頁(平均每本約270頁),其中並包含4本(至少)Luther's Works (American Edition)。


Luther's Works, vol. 5: Lectures on Genesis 26-30. (Sep. 7完成)
Luther's Works, vol. 44: The Christian in Society I. (Sep. 14完成)
Luther's Works, vol. 19: Lectures on the Minor Prophets  II Jonah, Habakkuk. (Sep. 24完成)
Luther's Works, vol. 35: Word and Sacrament I. (10.06完成)

Chupungco, Anscar JLiturgy of the Future: The Process and Methods of Inculturation.  Mahwah, NJ: Paulist Press, 1989. (Feb. 26完成)
Earey, Mark. Worship that Cares: An Introduction to Pastoral Liturgy.  London: SCM Press, 2012. (Aug. 19完成)
Farrow, Douglas. Ascension Theology. New York: Bloomsbury, 2013. (Apr. 10完成)
Gerhard, Johann. Sacred Meditations. trans. by Wade R. Johnston, 2nd Ed., Saginaw, MI: Magdenurg Press, 2011. (Sep. 13
Gerhard, JohannMeditations on Divine Mercy.  trans. by Matthew C. Harrison, St. Louis, MO: CPH, 2003. (Sep. 13完成)
Guardini, Romano. The Spirit of Liturgy.  New York: Aeterna Press, 2015. (Mar. 16完成)
Gunton, Colin E.  Christ and Creation.  Eugene, OR: Wipf & Stock, 1992. (Feb. 29完成)
Lazareth, William H. Christians in Society: Luther, the Bible, and Social Ethics. Minneapolis, MN: Fortress, 2001. (Mar. 5完成)

Peters, Albrecht. 
Commentary on Luther's Catechisms: Ten Commandments.  St. Louis, MO: CPH, 2009. (Jan. 08完成)
Peters, Albrecht. Commentary on Luther's Catechisms: Baptism and Lord's Supper.  St. Louis, MO: CPH, 2012. (Jan. 13完成)

Pfatteicher, Philip H. Journey into the Heart of God: Living the Liturgical Year.  Oxford: Oxford Univ. Press, 2013. (Jun. 03完成)
Pless, John T. 
Martin Luther: Preacher of the Cross.  St. Louis, MO: CPH, 2013. (Jun. 08完成)

Veal, David. An Essential Unity: A Contemporary Look at Lutheran and Episcopal Liturgy.  Harrisburg, PA: Morehouse Publishing, 1997. (Feb. 23完成)
Wallis, Ian. Holy Saturday Faith: Rediscovering the Legacy of Jesus.  London: SPCK, 2000. (Mar. 25完成)
Wells, Samuel. Liturgy Comes to Life.  Durham, NC: Duke University Chapel, 2010. (Apr. 11完成)
Young, Rosa. Light in the Dark Belt: The Story of Rosa Young.  St. Louis, MO: CPH, 2014. (May 17完成)

Luther's Works, vol. 53: Liturgy and Hymns.
Bayer, Oswald. Theology the Lutheran Way.  Grand Rapids, MI: Eerdmans, 2007.
Bonhoeffer, Dietrich. 
Sanctorum Cpmmunio: A Theological Study of the Sociology of the Church.  Minneapolis, MN: Fortress, 2009.
Forde, Marianna. Gerhard O. Forde: A Life.  Minneapolis, MN: Lutheran University Press, 2014.
Irwin, Kevin W. Models of the Eucharist. 
Mahwah, NJ: Paulist Press, 2005.
Just, Arthur A. Heaven on Earth: The Gift of Christ in the Divine Service.  St. Louis, MO: CPH, 2008.
Kolb, Robert, Irene Dingel and L'unomir Batka. (ed.) The Oxford Handbook of Martin Luther's Theology.  Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2014.
Macchia, Frank D. Justified in the Spirit: Creation, Redemption, and the Triune God.  Grand Rapids, MI: Eerdmans, 1999.
Madigan, Shawn. 
Spirituality Rooted in Liturgy.  Revised Edition, Portland, OR: Pastoral Press, 1999.
Peters, Albrecht. Commentary on Luther's Catechisms: Lord's Prayer.  St. Louis, MO: CPH, 2013.
Stookey, Laurence Hull. Calendar: Christ's Time for the Church.  Nashville, TN: Abingdon, 1996.
Wengert, Timothy J. Reading the Bible with Martin Luther.  Grand Rapids, MI: Baker, 2013.


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