If you want to be a maker of God, come here and listen. He wants to teach you
the art so that you do not err and make an idol but make the true God as he
目前分類:經典摘讀 (24)
- Nov 29 Wed 2006 00:46
"Remembrance" in Luther's Eucharistic Writings (continued)
- Nov 29 Wed 2006 00:45
"Remembrance" in Luther's Eucharistic Writings
Bread and wine are eaten and drunk for the forgiveness of sins; that is,
because Christ ordained them to be eaten and drunk in order to keep his
- Nov 29 Wed 2006 00:35
Martin Luther and the Ten Commandments in the Large Catechism
Title: Martin Luther and the Ten Commandments in the Large Catechism
Author: Timothy J. Wengert
- Nov 28 Tue 2006 23:51
摘譯】Luther's Eucharistic Sermon in Easter Wednesday of 1534
In this way the dear Lord desired to preserve the remembrance of himself, the
knowledge of himself, and faith through his Supper and testament lest he die