聖奧古斯丁說有兩個時間,一個是此時,是花在今生的試探和困苦之中;另一個則是那時, 是將要用於永恆的保障和喜樂之中。依照這些樣式,我們慶祝兩個時期:在復活節之前,和在復活節之後。那在復活節之前的,象徵著此刻生命的悲傷;那在復活節 之後的,則是象徵我們將來狀態中的福份。…所以,我們在第一段時期中禁食、禱告,而在第二段時期中,我們不再禁食,而是盡情讚美。


There are two times, say St. Augustine, one which is now, and is spent in the temptation and tribulation of this life; the other which shall be then, and shall be spent in eternal security and joy. In figure of these, we celebrate two periods: the time before Easter and the time after Easter. That which is before Easter signifies the sorrow of this present life; that which is after Easter, the blessedness of our future state ... Hence it is that we spend the first in fasting and prayer; and in the second we give up our fasting, and give ourselves to praise.

The church, the interpreter of the sacred scripture, often speaks to us of two places, which correspond with these two times of St. Augustine. There two places are Babylon and Jerusalem. Babylon is the image of this world of sin, in the midst whereof we have to spend years of probation; Jerusalem is the heavenly country, where we are to repose after all our trials.

Prosper Gueranger

    創作者 信義宗小學徒 的頭像

    To Be a Theologian of the Cross

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