From the night I seek thee early, O Lover of humankind: give me light, I pray thee, and guide me in thy commandments, and teach me, O Savior, to do thy will.
In night have I passed all my life: for the night of sin has covered me with darkness and thick mist. But make me, O Savior, a child of the day.
I confess to thee, O Christ: I have sinned, I have sinned like the brethren of Joseph, who once sold the fruit of purity and chastity.
As a figure of the Lord, O my soul, the righteous and gentle Joseph was sold into bondage by his brethren; but thou hast sold thyself entirely to thy sins.
O miserable and wicked soul, imitate the righteous and pure mind of Joseph; and do not live in wantonness, sinfully indulging thy disordered desires.
Joseph was cast into a pit, O Lord and Master, as a figure of thy burial and resurrection. But what offering such as this can I ever make to thee?
In night have I passed all my life: for the night of sin has covered me with darkness and thick mist. But make me, O Savior, a child of the day.
I confess to thee, O Christ: I have sinned, I have sinned like the brethren of Joseph, who once sold the fruit of purity and chastity.
As a figure of the Lord, O my soul, the righteous and gentle Joseph was sold into bondage by his brethren; but thou hast sold thyself entirely to thy sins.
O miserable and wicked soul, imitate the righteous and pure mind of Joseph; and do not live in wantonness, sinfully indulging thy disordered desires.
Joseph was cast into a pit, O Lord and Master, as a figure of thy burial and resurrection. But what offering such as this can I ever make to thee?
Byzantine Matins