Philipp Melanchthon (1497-1560) was Martin Luther's closest coworker in leading the Lutheran Reformation. He proclaimed with Luther the central Reformation teaching, that sinful people are justified before God by grace through faith in Christ alone, and he was often the leading Reformation theologian at important meetings since Luther was outlawed. Melanchthon was a leading scholar who rode the crest of the most prominent educational reform movement. His influence was largely felt through his pen, including prolific writings in these areas: the Augsburg Confession and its Apology, systematic theology, biblical commentaries, text books, poetry, philosophy, rhetoric, history, logic, astronomy, botany, government and education. In the Reformation movement, he represents the best in scholarship, balance and conciliation. We stand in humble reverence and gratefulness to God for Philipp Melanchthon's life, work and witness as we make use of this library in his memory to the glory of God. (by Dr. Stephen Oliver)