- 在迷文化中,我們值得加以探究的潛在問題,即「反商業意識型態」和「商品完美主義者實踐作為」的共存現象。
- 當迷在堅守抗拒資本主義社會規範時,也同時面對新奇商品的快速替換流動,迷實則上是與這些既經濟又文化的進程,有密切關聯且相互作用。
- Janet Staiger指出「迷(fandom)絕非輕易地劃分為二—非好即壞—即可解決的議題。」
- 作者嘗試將迷的消費實踐放進商品化的脈絡中加以探討,其主張如下:
Consumption and the Religious Imperative (quoted from "The Sacred Santa", chap.6) 作者指出,在當代消費社會中維持生計並非神聖理想(sacred ideal)。我們要「完全擁有」(have it all)、盡可能擁有、竭盡所能的擁有、以各種各樣新的、獨特的、令人欽羨的方式擁有。…因為在消費文化的「神話—儀式」(mythico-ritual)邏輯中,唯有個人化的「取得—消費—處置」(acquisition, consumption, and disposal)儀式,方能指出我們與神聖的經濟權勢之間正確的關係。
- Schor在The Overspent American一書中指出,大多數人的購買習慣並非根據其實際收入與可運用的資源所建立,而是受到其想要獲取與最高經濟水準的生活風格相匹配之商品的欲望所影響。
- A primary reason for accelerated personal consumption is the aspiration of the majority of the general population to share in the consumerist practices of the highest economic class. Schor goes on to tell us that personal consumption is further fueled by such well-known socioeconomic forces as marketing, advertising, technological advances, and product innovation. We are all, individually, influenced by these forces, and as a consequence, we all consume more than we might otherwise, and certainly more than other individuals did in previous cultural epochs.
- From a cosmological religious perspective, personal consumption becomes less of a socially constructed behavior and a much more elemental imperative...If consumer society (and our social role as consumers) is predicated on the sacred logic of a fundamentally religious culture, and especially a cosmological one, then consuming is certainly experienced as though it were something natural.
2008.08.04 - Consumption as a religious expression is not legitimated (mythically) by history and science, and while its liturgy may well be advertising, this liturgy seems significantly disconnected from Ellul's sacred technology.
- Rather than history and science being the dominant myths of today, we might look to mythic narratives that articulate the meaning and order of life in a world dominated by economy -- perhaps focusing on myths of economic success and material acquisition.
- Kellner 依循Baudrillard,指出"The consumer...cannot avoid the obligation to consume, because it is consumption that is the primary mode of social integration and the primary ethics and activity within the consumer society. The consumer ethics and "fun morality" thus involve active labor, incessant curiosity and search for novelty, and conformity to the latest fads, products and demands to consume."
The cosmological character of contemporary culture (quoted from "The Sacred Santa", chap.2)
- Voegelin和Ellul所認定的另類宗教(alternative religions)乃是宇宙論式(cosmological)和社群式(sociological)。
- Ellul 指出"In a world(i.e. the cosmological society) which is difficult, hostile, formidable, man...attributes sacred values to that which threatens him and to that which protects him, or more exactly to that which restores him and puts him in tune with the universe."
- Ellul也強調,在今日,科技已經取代自然成為sacred ground and locus of ultimate concern.
- In today's world, technology has come to occupy a place analogous to that of nature in antiquity: the source of ultimate power and ultimate dread... As a result, like nature of old, technology elicits a religious response.但作者認為the economy rather than technology may be best embody the sense of the sacred in our culture.
- 消費—涉及文化符號與象徵的社會與文化過程。
- 符號/意義的共享→獨特性的炫耀vs.對於他者的仿效
- 藉由消費進行群體認同感的社會建構
- 消費商品與消費經驗中的符徵,必須能夠被理解與回應,才足以構成消費群體
- 大眾化消費(商品單一化)→分眾化消費(商品差異化)
- 縮短產品生命週期(ex.3C產業)→刺激持續消費→即時即逝的滿足循環
- 逐欲望而居的游牧消費者部落(consumer tribe)
- 媒介即訊息(The media is the message)
- 消費即溝通(The consumption is the communication)